We will show you a web site where you are going to find online english courses totally free, provided by one of the best universities of the country, UNAM.
This web site has some limitations, when you enter you will see a little message that says that the sections of ''aprende'' and ''certifícate'', are only for UNAM students that are enrolled in some of the faculties of the university, however, the page also offer you open sections for the general public, like ''practica'' where you will can take lessons of the different topics of English grammatic,you can choose your english level to start to work.
Also, you will can evaluate your level with a general test and other reading comprehension test,only like tests, the web site won't offer you any certification at least you were UNAM student, you will find this test in the section ''evalúate''.
In the ''practica'' section you will find several activities about the different topics of English grammatic, which you will have free acces, also, here you will can select your english level, so that it won't be necessary for you to start in a lower level if you have more knowledge of the language.
In the different activities that the platform offers you, you will find a lot of content about the topic, like definitions, readings, examples, for a better understanding before start to do the tasks.
Resource type: Grammar exercises.
Type of interactivity: Intermediate level.
Specific use: Source of specific content for teaching a second language.
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